Dear Friends,
Dear participants of Ukrainian-Chinese Business Council,
I also appeal to Ukrainian producers and exporters of domestic products and services to China, all who cares about the development of effective relations with China!
Cordially congratulating you on the New Year 2019, I have the honor and pleasure also to congratulate us all on the 27th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the People's Republic of China, which we celebrate on January 4th!
The People's Republic of China was among the first countries to recognize the independence of Ukraine on December 27, 1991, and on January 4, 1992, there were signed the “Communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the People's Republic of China” and “Memorandum of Understanding to the Communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and People's Republic of China”, which recorded the intentions of the two countries to develop full-scale cooperation. They are still the basis of our relationships and our roadmap to the future.
Since then, more than 300 bilateral documents have been concluded that have opened a broad horizon and have become a reliable platform for contacts, including the signing in December 2013 of the basic Treaty on Friendship and Cooperation Between China and Ukraine, which consolidates key principles and achievements of bilateral relations, aspiration to actively develop mutually beneficial cooperation in all sectors.
During the 27 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries have made considerable efforts to build full-scale cooperation in a wide variety of areas.
I am sure that the main assets of the 27-year history of the relations of our states are the strong friendship between the Ukrainian and Chinese peoples, mutual support for sovereignty and territorial integrity, respect for each other, as well as equal and mutually beneficial cooperation.
During cooperation of the two countries in the trade-economic, investment, agricultural, scientific-technical, cultural and other fields we have achieved significant results. The content of the China-Ukraine strategic partnership relations are continuously saturated, which brings real benefits to both countries and their peoples. All this is a solid basis for further fruitful development of the strategic partnership between Ukraine and the People's Republic of China.
I am pleased to say that the Ukrainian-Chinese Business Council, launched in September 2010, and its Ukrainian part became a worthy and effective instrument for deepening and diversifying the strategic partnership of our two countries for the benefit of the Ukrainian and Chinese people!
The scope of bilateral cooperation absolutely corresponds to our plans for the new 2019, and we will be pleased to continue the cooperation with businesses that are already joined UCBC, and we welcome all those Ukrainian companies and organizations that count on the successful cooperation with Chinese partners.
And let the God help us in that!
Truly yours,
Chairman of Ukrainian part of UCBC
Sergii Kuzyara
Read more:
The issues of economic cooperation between Ukraine and China were discussed at the Round Table
The memorandum of cooperation was signed with Chinese Cedar Holdings Group in Davos
The UCBC Ukrainian Part Summed Up the Outcomes of 2018 and Presented Plans for the Next Year
Speech by Sergii Kuzarya at Beijing Business Forum